Lirik Lagu Bruno Mars Never Say U Can’t Testo Letras
Oh [4x]
[Verse 1:]
When I was just a little boy
Barely strong enough to stand
I could always count on him
He thought me everything I know
And ’till this day it shows
He was more than just a friend (Ah ah ah)
There were so many times I would doubt myself
But his words were always there to help
How would it be? Where I am?
If my father didn’t tell me To never say I can’t
He’d carry me And never let me fall
Oh and the only thing he asked Right before he passed
Was to never say you can’t
Oh Never say you can’t Oh oh oh Oh
[Verse 2:]
So when last rain begins to fall
And you’re out there on your own
And you can’t see a thing No no no
Just find a voice that understands
For me it was my old man
Taught me to say the words I can
Everything he taught me would stay with me forever
No I won’t forget a thing
Oh because of dad I now know myself better
And I hope I can do for him what he did for me
Oh Never say you can’t
Oh Never say you can’t
Sabtu, 20 April 2013
A. Pengertian Filsafat Pendidikan
Secara harfiah, kata filsafat berasal dari kata Philo yang berarti cinta, dan kata Sophos yang berarti ilmu atau hikmah. Dengan demikian, filsafat berarti cinta cinta terhadap ilmu atau hikmah. Terhadap pengertian seperti ini al-Syaibani mengatakan bahwa filsafat bukanlah hikmah itu sendiri, melainkan cinta terhadap hikmah dan berusaha mendapatkannya, memusatkan perhatian padanya dan menciptakan sikap positif terhadapnya. Selanjutnya ia menambahkan bahwa filsafat dapat pula berarti mencari hakikat sesuatu, berusaha menautkan sebab dan akibat, dan berusaha menafsirkan pengalaman-pengalaman manusia.
Selain itu terdapat pula teori lain yang mengatakan bahwa filsafat berasal dari kata Arab falsafah, yang berasal dari bahasa Yunani, Philosophia: philos berarti cinta, suka (loving), dan sophia yang berarti pengetahuan, hikmah (wisdom). Jadi, Philosophia berarti cinta kepada kebijaksanaan atau cinta kepada kebenaran atau lazimnya disebut Pholosopher yang dalam bahasa Arab disebut failasuf.
Sebagai suatu agama, Islam memiliki ajaran yang diakui lebih sempurna dan kompherhensif dibandingkan dengan agama-agama lainnya yang pernah diturunkan Tuhan sebelumnya. Sebagai agama yang paling sempurna ia dipersiapkan untuk menjadi pedoman hidup sepanjang zaman atau hingga hari akhir. Islam tidak hanya mengatur cara mendapatkan kebahagiaan hidup di akhirat, ibadah dan penyerahan diri kepada Allah saja, melainkan juga mengatur cara mendapatkan kebahagiaan hidup di dunia termasuk di dalamnya mengatur masalah pendidikan. Sumber untuk mengatur masalah pendidikan. Sumber untuk mengatur kehidupan dunia dan akhirat tersebut adalah al Qur’an dan al Sunnah. Sebagai sumber ajaran, al Qur’an sebagaimana telah dibuktikan oleh para peneliti ternyata menaruh perhatian yang besar terhadap masalah pendidikan dan pengajaran.
Demikian pula dengan al Hadist, sebagai sumber ajaran Islam, di akui memberikan perhatian yang amat besar terhadap masalah pendidikan. Nabi Muhammad SAW, telah mencanangkan program pendidikan seumur hidup ( long life education ). Dari uraian diatas, terlihat bahwa Islam sebagai agama yang ajaran-ajarannya bersumber pada al- Qur’an dan al Hadist sejak awal telah menancapkan revolusi di bidang pendidikan dan pengajaran. Langkah yang ditempuh al Qur’an ini ternyata amat strategis dalam upaya mengangkat martabat kehidupan manusia. Kini di akui dengan jelas bahwa pendidikan merupakan jembatan yang menyeberangkan orang dari keterbelakangan menuju kemajuan, dan dari kehinaan menuju kemuliaan, serta dari ketertindasan menjadi merdeka, dan seterusnya. Jadi, Filsafat pendidikan adalah filsafat yang digunakan dalam studi mengenai masalah-masalah pendidikan.
Prof. Mohammad Athiyah abrosyi dalam kajiannya tentang pendidikan Islam telah menyimpulkan 5 tujuan yang asasi bagi pendidikan Islam yang diuraikan dalam “ At Tarbiyah Al Islamiyah Wa Falsafatuha “ yaitu :
1. Untuk membantu pembentukan akhlak yang mulia. Islam menetapkan bahwa pendidikan akhlak adalah jiwa pendidikan Islam.
2. Persiapan untuk kehidupan dunia dan kehidupan akhirat. Pendidikan Islam tidak hanya menaruh perhatian pada segi keagamaan saja dan tidak hanya dari segi keduniaan saja, tetapi dia menaruh perhatian kepada keduanya sekaligus.
3. Menumbuhkan ruh ilmiah pada pelajaran dan memuaskan untuk mengetahui dan memungkinkan ia mengkaji ilmu bukan sekedar sebagai ilmu. Dan juga agar menumbuhkan minat pada sains, sastra, kesenian, dalam berbagai jenisnya.
4. Menyiapkan pelajar dari segi profesional, teknis, dan perusahaan supaya ia dapat mengusai profesi tertentu, teknis tertentu dan perusahaan tertentu, supaya dapat ia mencari rezeki dalam hidup dengan mulia di samping memelihara dari segi kerohanian dan keagamaan.
5. Persiapan untuk mencari rezeki dan pemeliharaan segi-segi kemanfaatan. Pendidikan Islam tidaklah semuanya bersifat agama atau akhlak, atau sprituil semata-mata, tetapi menaruh perhatian pada segi-segi kemanfaatan pada tujuan-tujuan, kurikulum, dan aktivitasnya. Tidak lah tercapai kesempurnaan manusia tanpa memadukan antara agama dan ilmu pengetahuan.
C. Ruang Lingkup Filsafat
Penjelasan mengenai ruang lingkup ini mengandung indikasi bahwa filsafat pendidikan Islam telah diakui sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari adanya beberapa sumber bacaan, khususnya buku yang menginformasikan hasil penelitian tentang filsafat pendidikan Islam. Sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu, mau tidak mau filsafat pendidikan Islam harus menunjukkan dengan jelas mengenai bidang kajiannya atau cakupan pembahasannya. Muzayyin Arifin menyatakan bahwa mempelajari filsafat pendidikan Islam berarti memasuki arena pemikiran yang mendasar, sistematik. Logis, dan menyeluruh (universal) tentang pendidikan, ysng tidak hanya dilatarbelakangi oleh pengetahuan agama Islam saja, melainkan menuntut kita untuk mempelajari ilmu-ilmu lain yang relevan. Pendapat ini memberi petunjuk bahwa ruang lingkup filsafat Pendidikan Islam adalah masalah-masalah yang terdapat dalam kegiatan pendidikan, seperti masalah tujuan pendidikan, masalah guru, kurikulum, metode, dan lingkungan.
Ruang lingkup dari filsafat yaitu :
a. Tentang pengetahuan : logika yang memuat :
a. Logika formil yang mempelajari asas-asas atau hukum-hukun berpikir yang harus ditaati agar kita dapat berpikit dengan benar dan mencapai kebenaran. jadi bagaimana orang harus berpikir dengan baik dan aturan-aturan untuk itu. Hukum-hukum logika berlaku dan penting bagi semua ilmu pengetahuan lainnya pula, bagi filsafat merupakan alat yang harus dikuasai lebih dahulu.
b. Logika materiil kritik (epistimologi)
Yang memandang ilmu pengetahuan (materil) dan bagaimana isi ini dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Jadi mempelajari perihal :1. Sumber dan asal pengetahuan. 2. Proses terjadinya pengetahuan. 3. Kemungkinan dan batas pengetahuan. 4. Kebenaran dan kekeliruan
b. Tentang dunia material : kosmologi
Hal ini membicarakan tentang asal mula atau sumber dan susunan atau struktur dari alam semesta.
c. Tentang kesusilaan : etika
Manusia itu yakin dan wajib berbuat baik dan menghindarkan yang tidak baik itu menimbulkan berbagai soal, yaitu :
1. Apakah yang disebut baik itu?
2. Apakah yang buruk itu?
d. Tentang Tuhan : Theodyca
Hal inilah yang merupakan konsekuensi terakhir dari seluruh pandangan filsafat. Renungan tentang pengetahuan kita itu membuktikan bahwa manusia itu bukan sumber sari segala-segalanya, bukan sumber daripada segala pengetahuan.
Singkatnya bahwa ia bukan yang mutlak, sebab itu harus dicari sumber yang terdalam dan sebab yang terakhir, yang mengatasi manusia sendiri dan dunia.
A. Pengertian Filsafat Pendidikan
Secara harfiah, kata filsafat berasal dari kata Philo yang berarti cinta, dan kata Sophos yang berarti ilmu atau hikmah. Dengan demikian, filsafat berarti cinta cinta terhadap ilmu atau hikmah. Terhadap pengertian seperti ini al-Syaibani mengatakan bahwa filsafat bukanlah hikmah itu sendiri, melainkan cinta terhadap hikmah dan berusaha mendapatkannya, memusatkan perhatian padanya dan menciptakan sikap positif terhadapnya. Selanjutnya ia menambahkan bahwa filsafat dapat pula berarti mencari hakikat sesuatu, berusaha menautkan sebab dan akibat, dan berusaha menafsirkan pengalaman-pengalaman manusia.
Selain itu terdapat pula teori lain yang mengatakan bahwa filsafat berasal dari kata Arab falsafah, yang berasal dari bahasa Yunani, Philosophia: philos berarti cinta, suka (loving), dan sophia yang berarti pengetahuan, hikmah (wisdom). Jadi, Philosophia berarti cinta kepada kebijaksanaan atau cinta kepada kebenaran atau lazimnya disebut Pholosopher yang dalam bahasa Arab disebut failasuf.
Sebagai suatu agama, Islam memiliki ajaran yang diakui lebih sempurna dan kompherhensif dibandingkan dengan agama-agama lainnya yang pernah diturunkan Tuhan sebelumnya. Sebagai agama yang paling sempurna ia dipersiapkan untuk menjadi pedoman hidup sepanjang zaman atau hingga hari akhir. Islam tidak hanya mengatur cara mendapatkan kebahagiaan hidup di akhirat, ibadah dan penyerahan diri kepada Allah saja, melainkan juga mengatur cara mendapatkan kebahagiaan hidup di dunia termasuk di dalamnya mengatur masalah pendidikan. Sumber untuk mengatur masalah pendidikan. Sumber untuk mengatur kehidupan dunia dan akhirat tersebut adalah al Qur’an dan al Sunnah. Sebagai sumber ajaran, al Qur’an sebagaimana telah dibuktikan oleh para peneliti ternyata menaruh perhatian yang besar terhadap masalah pendidikan dan pengajaran.
Demikian pula dengan al Hadist, sebagai sumber ajaran Islam, di akui memberikan perhatian yang amat besar terhadap masalah pendidikan. Nabi Muhammad SAW, telah mencanangkan program pendidikan seumur hidup ( long life education ). Dari uraian diatas, terlihat bahwa Islam sebagai agama yang ajaran-ajarannya bersumber pada al- Qur’an dan al Hadist sejak awal telah menancapkan revolusi di bidang pendidikan dan pengajaran. Langkah yang ditempuh al Qur’an ini ternyata amat strategis dalam upaya mengangkat martabat kehidupan manusia. Kini di akui dengan jelas bahwa pendidikan merupakan jembatan yang menyeberangkan orang dari keterbelakangan menuju kemajuan, dan dari kehinaan menuju kemuliaan, serta dari ketertindasan menjadi merdeka, dan seterusnya. Jadi, Filsafat pendidikan adalah filsafat yang digunakan dalam studi mengenai masalah-masalah pendidikan.
Prof. Mohammad Athiyah abrosyi dalam kajiannya tentang pendidikan Islam telah menyimpulkan 5 tujuan yang asasi bagi pendidikan Islam yang diuraikan dalam “ At Tarbiyah Al Islamiyah Wa Falsafatuha “ yaitu :
1. Untuk membantu pembentukan akhlak yang mulia. Islam menetapkan bahwa pendidikan akhlak adalah jiwa pendidikan Islam.
2. Persiapan untuk kehidupan dunia dan kehidupan akhirat. Pendidikan Islam tidak hanya menaruh perhatian pada segi keagamaan saja dan tidak hanya dari segi keduniaan saja, tetapi dia menaruh perhatian kepada keduanya sekaligus.
3. Menumbuhkan ruh ilmiah pada pelajaran dan memuaskan untuk mengetahui dan memungkinkan ia mengkaji ilmu bukan sekedar sebagai ilmu. Dan juga agar menumbuhkan minat pada sains, sastra, kesenian, dalam berbagai jenisnya.
4. Menyiapkan pelajar dari segi profesional, teknis, dan perusahaan supaya ia dapat mengusai profesi tertentu, teknis tertentu dan perusahaan tertentu, supaya dapat ia mencari rezeki dalam hidup dengan mulia di samping memelihara dari segi kerohanian dan keagamaan.
5. Persiapan untuk mencari rezeki dan pemeliharaan segi-segi kemanfaatan. Pendidikan Islam tidaklah semuanya bersifat agama atau akhlak, atau sprituil semata-mata, tetapi menaruh perhatian pada segi-segi kemanfaatan pada tujuan-tujuan, kurikulum, dan aktivitasnya. Tidak lah tercapai kesempurnaan manusia tanpa memadukan antara agama dan ilmu pengetahuan.
C. Ruang Lingkup Filsafat
Penjelasan mengenai ruang lingkup ini mengandung indikasi bahwa filsafat pendidikan Islam telah diakui sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari adanya beberapa sumber bacaan, khususnya buku yang menginformasikan hasil penelitian tentang filsafat pendidikan Islam. Sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu, mau tidak mau filsafat pendidikan Islam harus menunjukkan dengan jelas mengenai bidang kajiannya atau cakupan pembahasannya. Muzayyin Arifin menyatakan bahwa mempelajari filsafat pendidikan Islam berarti memasuki arena pemikiran yang mendasar, sistematik. Logis, dan menyeluruh (universal) tentang pendidikan, ysng tidak hanya dilatarbelakangi oleh pengetahuan agama Islam saja, melainkan menuntut kita untuk mempelajari ilmu-ilmu lain yang relevan. Pendapat ini memberi petunjuk bahwa ruang lingkup filsafat Pendidikan Islam adalah masalah-masalah yang terdapat dalam kegiatan pendidikan, seperti masalah tujuan pendidikan, masalah guru, kurikulum, metode, dan lingkungan.
Ruang lingkup dari filsafat yaitu :
a. Tentang pengetahuan : logika yang memuat :
a. Logika formil yang mempelajari asas-asas atau hukum-hukun berpikir yang harus ditaati agar kita dapat berpikit dengan benar dan mencapai kebenaran. jadi bagaimana orang harus berpikir dengan baik dan aturan-aturan untuk itu. Hukum-hukum logika berlaku dan penting bagi semua ilmu pengetahuan lainnya pula, bagi filsafat merupakan alat yang harus dikuasai lebih dahulu.
b. Logika materiil kritik (epistimologi)
Yang memandang ilmu pengetahuan (materil) dan bagaimana isi ini dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Jadi mempelajari perihal :1. Sumber dan asal pengetahuan. 2. Proses terjadinya pengetahuan. 3. Kemungkinan dan batas pengetahuan. 4. Kebenaran dan kekeliruan
b. Tentang dunia material : kosmologi
Hal ini membicarakan tentang asal mula atau sumber dan susunan atau struktur dari alam semesta.
c. Tentang kesusilaan : etika
Manusia itu yakin dan wajib berbuat baik dan menghindarkan yang tidak baik itu menimbulkan berbagai soal, yaitu :
1. Apakah yang disebut baik itu?
2. Apakah yang buruk itu?
d. Tentang Tuhan : Theodyca
Hal inilah yang merupakan konsekuensi terakhir dari seluruh pandangan filsafat. Renungan tentang pengetahuan kita itu membuktikan bahwa manusia itu bukan sumber sari segala-segalanya, bukan sumber daripada segala pengetahuan.
Singkatnya bahwa ia bukan yang mutlak, sebab itu harus dicari sumber yang terdalam dan sebab yang terakhir, yang mengatasi manusia sendiri dan dunia.
Journal about Cross Cultural Understanding
Journal I
People In Queue And In Elevator
• How the people both in the US and Indonesia in queuing or standing in an elevator?
Both in US and Indonesia, there are many crowded places that is always people to come, such us in tourism spot, at an historic spot, at the Bank or ATM, at the Cinema, at the airport, at the market or mall or shop or store, at a ticket desk, at a city bus, at a taxi stand and etc. But the queue in both of them are really different. They have the opposite stiley to make a line. Let me compare them.
In US Queue is always seen in many places. Queue is habitual action that the American always do wherever and whenever. They have a good habit to make queuing. They are always dicipline to stand in a line as a wise word say “First come first served”. They keep a bubble space to avoid touching one another. They try to not broke this habit to keep other’s pleasures, so we don’t need to be afraid to get crowded if in US’s line.
At any bus stop in any town, the American will be perfect queuing system in action. The very best thing is that there doesn’t have to be a line in order to stick to the rules of the game. They loiter when arriving at a bus stop. They don’t make eye contact with one another. It seems like paralyzed by the fear that might intrude into someone else’s space. They just stand and waiting until the bus arrives, keep their spaces and their arrival time is taken. Keep their hands in pockets, fingers tapping phone keys and eyes always down. The only movement they make is to shit from one foot to the other.
At an elevator, the American also keep their discipline to wait the out time. They always face in the door to wait the turn out and also to anticipate the person who will come to keep avoiding to touch each other and also speak silently. Eventhough elevator is a small room but they are not annoying each other ecxept the people who besides them are their close friend. When the other person come, the people who is in the elevator move to the corner and not to make eye-contact. So we can say that, the american always try to not barge in the other personal because they do respeck other. Therefore, the people who stay in US having their freedom fully, it might be the reason of immigrants to come in US.
Indonesian now are the nation who really dislike queuing in fact we can say “Contra-Queue”. All of people want to be served without serving other eventhough they are wrong. If we analyze, why the queue culture can’t be put into a habit because of the rubber-clock (Jam Karet). They are in a hurry but not discipline in time so need not to care other.
In Indonesia, we often see the queuing in the market especially for the mothers and at the cinema or at the ticket desk especially for the youngers. But the queue stiley in Indonesia is opposite then US. Actually there are a part of them to keep be discipline in queuing but most of them are not care about it moreover if in a hurry, they just think to be hurry without think the people who is next annoyed therefore, we sometimes find a group of people are fighting only about queuing. Queuing at an elevator also has the same case with other place. If american avoid to speak aloud, Indonesian don’t care to be noisy whereever and whenever they are, moreever if they are with their close friend. Here we are not as the word “first come first served” but “who fast who find”. They race to be the first ecxept if in a big guard. That’s the Indonesian making a line.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal II
Immigrants in USA and in Indonesia
• What is the reason of immigrants to come in USA?
The US is known in the world by name “The land of opportunity”. It can attract immigrants from all over in the world. Americans never limit immigrants who come there to know their country wheter about values, religions, heritages and etc. All of people in US have their chance to live pleasure without bothering their own individual freedom. They have opportunity to be equal with native American and to get material and wealth.
In the past time, mostly immigrants came to America because of economical or war even religious rights. They came from many countries to escape famine, such as the Irish, religious and political persecution and wars in their home countries. They also believe that there were more jobs in demand for unskilled workers which difficult to get in other country. They just wanted a chance for a better life and the “American dream”.
One reason of immigrants come to US is having their individual freedom. They want to escape the controls placed on many aspect of their lives to be free place. If other is controlled by the power of king, US is not. Not all aspect in US are arranged by the constitution, likes living with their unmarried lover, married with same gender and other. They can explore their expression to the world and solve their own problem without interfention of the others. This they called “Self-Reliance”. Reliance for getting succeed.
Second reason is having equality of opportunity and competition. The immigrants believe that the opportunity which they search will find in US because they think every one has a chance to succeed here. As we talk before about the individual freedom, they have felt that individual are free from excessive political, religius and social control. Eventhough, every one shall not be equal actually, but here they mean that every one shall have an equal chance for succeed. For this reason, they come by this expextation.
Third is material wealth and hard work. The imigrants come to the US to have their better life. They believe that they can raise their standard of living in US because in people’s eyes see it as a land of plenty where millions can come to seek their fortunes. This reliance is too cling to their mind, even they have to pay the price of succeed by hard work and also they are not be able to achieve the material succeed they want but they believe that next their children will have an opportunity for the better life.
From getting the chance to individual freedom, they can have equality of opportunity and also by the opportunity will give them material and wealth because all of people who stay in US have many chances to commune and to stand on their own feet without annoying from other.
• What about in Indonesia?
As we know that Indonesia's climate may be described as tropical, though land temperatures and rainfall vary considerably according to altitude and relative exposure to winds sweeping in from the ocean. On the whole, temperatures vary little at any one place, and rainfall is generally heavy.
The immigrant believe Indonesia is like pleasure country, most of immigrants who come to Indonesia are succeed. International Or¬ganizational of Migration (IOM) noted in Tribun News that Indonesia became a favorite place to escape for immigrants. Till August 1st 2012, registered 1.203 immigrants from other countries is homed in Rumah Detensi Imigrasi (Rudenim) that spread out in all corner of Indonesia. Most of them from Pakistanand Afghanistan. A little from Myanmar, Iran and Srilanka. Generally, they come in to avoid politic pressure and economy.
In other source talked most immigrants come to Indonesian because of climate. It is different with USA which has four seasons, like spring, summer, fall and winter, Indonesian only has two of them, they are dry and rainy seasons. These is reputed as a chance from other country to build bussiness with Indonesian. They have their own assumption to spread their network for bussiness.
Indonesian is not as thorough as American, they still could not managing the natural source. It is prooved by many materials that should be produced but instead delivering to other countries to be produced. This is invite others entwining bussiness signal in Indonesia. It might be the one reason why they come to Indonesia.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
- Tribun News, Indonesia Kebanjiran Pengungsi Asing. Jakarta: August 14th 2012
Journal III
Religious Preference In Usa
• How is the religious preference in US?
American and most immigrants believe individual freedom and the right of individual was got by religious pluralism. They think their own religious did not limit them to free live. 80 percents of America’s population had been christiants, 24 percents were chatolic, remaining were muslim,jewish, hindu, budha and others. These have an important role in the history of USA.
The christiantism had been broke becoming protestantism in the sixtenth century because of an important difference in religious belief. This religions was not differentiate between the people who was right or wrong, if they seek the forgiveness directly by taking a friest speaking of God’s name, they still like the others. It means that the protestants have right to make good relationship with God. It might probably the american choose this as a religious preference.
• The Spiritual Kaleidoscope in the US.
Wade Clark Roof, a professor of religion and society points that there are four trends that are creating a spiritual kaleidoscope in the United Stated. First is there is a change from being a “Protestant to be Chatolic and Chatolic to be Jewis nation” to one with multiple religions. The religious growing condition in America is increasing or decreasing. The number of Protestant is noted more than 50 percents. Because of a trend, it might be decrease in the next decade. But besides the number of Chatolic is increasing in a time running, it has been having the large numbers of Latin American Chatolic immigrants who now get on about half the total Chatolic Community and also Muslim or None religion, even is not same of Chatoli’s growing. On the contrary the Jews’ member has stayed the same number for recent years. Second is creating the expressive individualism religious of faith switching from one denomination to other religious. Third is there are many new religious organizational structure emerging in the United State. And the last trend is toward a new spirituality especially among young American.
• The similiarity of Religious Preference of US and Indonesia.
The religious preference between United State and Indonesia are being related. It is like Math subject, Compilation or Himpunan. Most of religions in US are believing in Indonesia also. The difference is in US, Protestantism is having higher number than others but Indonesia is known by Muslim Religion.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal IV
Frontier Concept in US
• What happen of frontier in US in the past time and what are the advantages for the US?
America concept frontier was more fascinated evidently about geography, history, folktore and cultural expression eventhough the American try to replace them more than a century ago. They still fascinate them because it has been particularly important thing in shaping American values. To recall the image of life on the frontier, George W Bush as a president of US at that time always wears the hat and the boots of cowboy. The images who were struggling to look after US in a settle.
This image also had become a popular movie to express America’s history, it was meant to documented the American life in the past time. This movie showed more about the life of indian who was settling to hold their culture destroyed and also to assist the Native American who killed and their lands taken. It showed that American struggle to hold their country was not an easy way in other that the American now have to respect for it. That’s all create America’s strength space and condition, likes individual freedom, self reliance and equality of opportunity that we have talked in journal one.
Individualism, self reliance and equality of opportunity hadbeen becoming a values most closely assosiated with the frontier heritage of America. Thorough the history, American had carry out the image to view the frontier settler as the model of the free individual because of less control over the individual on the frontier than anywhere else in the United State. It was create few laws and few establisheds socials or political institutions to hold people living in the frontier.
• What concept would be similiar to Indonesian concept?
Indonesia frontier concept excatly almost same with America. When the US’s frontier was the image of cowboy who looked after America from a settle, Indonesia’s frontier was the heroes who had striked for Indonesia independence. As we know that Indonesia had become a shadowland formore than three hundred years, Indonesia’s military was struggling for it.
This frontier was not far from the History, the geography and the culture of indonesia. These appear evidently when Soekarno become a first president. He become an importan person who had read the liberty proclamation. The time showed that Indonesia was a country that should to protect.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal V
American Product
• Some American Product are found in Indonesia.
For many years, many technology are used in Indonesia. Beginning from the small things to the big things. History noted that in 1920s had been invented a radio in United State. This radio used for the first time as an advertisement. This is used for advertising other America’s products. The history not only noted about radio but also in 1950s had spread a television programming.
Television is one of the most important miracles of science. It has brought about a revolution in the field of entertainment, education and communication. Indeed mankind should be grateful to its inventor who has brought the cinema and stage into the houses of the masses. One can now watch moving, talking and living pictures on the screen while sitting in one's home.
In a running time, American began to produce other things, likes shampo, soap, deodorants. These product was known fast because of an advertising of Television and radio. By this product, America’s economy could be increase because this is used to introduce the other product to other country. It is amazed for other country.
Beside that, America also create a concept of Fast Food restaurant which are found in every city and every small town in United State and are now exported to all over the word. This includes McDonald’s and KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken). It serves a sandwich, salad, fried chicken, seafood, etc. To customer in fiveminutes or less often in a drive-up window. Next, appear the important things are cell-phone, internet and etc.
• What are their advantages and disanvatages for Indonesia?
There are several issues raised by the technological revolution wheter about advantages and disanvantages. The foremost advantages of technology has always been speedy communication and it has excelled way beyond the expectations. Newer innovations are only going to make it faster and more reliable. Now, you can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. For more personal and interactive communication, you can avail the facilities of chat services, video conferencing and so on. Besides, there are plenty of messenger services in offering. With the help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts and explore other cultures.
On other hand there are some disanvatages, like the merging of technology providers and the effect of all these technology on children. Some worry of parents is seeing their children spending much time to watch television, using the computer and playing a video games. Other effect is what the quality of children are watching television and what they are seeing on the internet. The parents face a constant dilemma, how to balance the right to free speech with the need to protect childreen and maintain standard of decency.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal VI
The American Tastes
An advertisement that showed some products is taken by All About Magazine Beer created by Carl H. Miller. In this adv showed many people such the waitress who holds on the beer and the customers who enjoy the drink. It’s not same with Indonesian people what afraid of showing their drink-time because of prohibition, American is more brave to enjoy this, they have freedom to do anything as long as not bothering other.
Beer has delicious taste according the lovers. It may those always sold out. For American, it is the good way to drink when having trouble because beer is able to miss the booring, pressure or the depression, they usually sold at cocktail lounge or hotel restoran to give comfortable feeling for drinker. It also has low calorie so when drink occasionally, it can be a medicine for a certain ill.
Beer drinker usually come from reacher one, functionary, bussinessman or it may be teenager. Most of them having good reason to drink them but there are also drink just for fun. Eventhough these has low calorie but when consume so on, it is not good for health. So, beer is not good solution to drink for missing the depression, the problem or for having fun.
After studying this, I am as student feel that eventhough beer can increase countries-income but beer can breake people’s health so no need to buy and sell them again. There are many ways to solve problem not by drinking them. And also as moeslem are forbidding to consume them.
Reference : -
Journal VII
American’s and Indonesia’s Product
As super power country, America surely has many productions that other countries have not. Those products are producing to sell at everywhere include in Indonesia so not wonder if there are many product that sell in Indonesia but not Indonesia’s product.
There are many sectors of bussiness that investing in Indonesia such gas oil industry, mining industry, electronic industry and so on. Generally, American product has positive agreement in Indonesia. Indonesia’s people receive well them as long as having good quality. These products like :
1. Motorcycle
Harley Davidson motorcycle has well-known everywhere. This is has good quality of sound and appearance. In Indonesia, the user of this usually come from youth people.
2. Film and Music
As we know, When we compare both films of American and Indonesia, of course American film has more fans because of their quality in presenting good spectacle. Juss see the Hollywood film, it has high rating than other. Not only about filmbut also music. Indonesian people are prefer pop, rock, hip-hop musics to dangdut, national song and other.
3. Food and clothes
So are foods like McDonald, KFC, Coca Cola, Pizza Hut have become indonesian’s favourite food. Also about clothes, Indonesia’s market has getting best of American’s merk wheter about bag, shoes or other. They are afroud of using other coutries product so the result is they miss the Indonesian’s product that also have good quality.
While go to Indonesia, when talking about American’s product above, Indonesia, is my country, not loose of it. We also have good product that export to other country. These product are about : (1) Mimsy bag, an unique bag at level international created by child-nation, (2) Bin House, a batik house shows Indonesian’s culture that have been using some of American’s people, (3) Polygon, a bike to global that have become unique transportation of Indonesian people right now, and so on. As Indonesian people, we have to froud of using Indonesian’s product. This awareness could develope our culture and our country level in ASEAN.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal VIII
American’s Election
America’s election is generally intresting and difference than other country. It helds each two years at November in even years. They held election two times to select president and to evaluate the presiden’s achievement for two years. American’s election generally same with other country in elect their president. Some ways they do in other to win it. Campaign is alternatif way to promote their self or to deliver their changing-future for America. All of candidats of president have to have good speculation for getting people’s vote.
November 9th 2012 is the democration party of American. This time is time to select the new leader or president for four years later. From many candidats that democrats carried like Obama, Davidswa, Bob, David L and AnnCKeir, finally Obama still have charisma to select from his fans. So, the candidats of president are Obama who comes from Democrat and In-Cumbent racing Rommey who is from Republic’s conservative. Some aspects life of country has become a main priority to reach developing such economy free-market, national defense, healt care quality, education system, energy independence and courts. Because America has important role in the world, this election has getting attention all of people. The winner will be the first one to make change for the world include at Indonesia.
As we know that Obama comes from Indonesia, most of people in Indonesia do not to miss this party. They are enthusiastic still want the winner is in Obama. So, when they watch that Obama still become the winner for this president election, Indonesian people are the first country who feel so happy. Congratulation for Obama for getting president position for two times and for four years later.
Reference : -
Journal IX
Ethnic and Racial Diversity
As we know that America is a country which has higher population because of the goverment have never limited the immigrants to come wheter for working, visiting or for liveng there. They come from ethnics and countries variety for getting life-change and success, so it makes higher enough the America’s population. Not only America but also other country face it, let say Indonesia. Indonesia’s population contains of ethnic and culture diversity, like Jawa, Sunda, Bugis, Madura, Tionghoa and so on.
If this is thought carefully, actually the quality of ethnics or racial diversity in one country can appear dissagreement inter-ethnics because of the difficulty for adapting with the immigrant and the native population. Because when there are racial diversity, there are some cultures. The culture differentiates the one people habitual and other people. So, it will effect some arguings variety in a country.
But, on other hand, we can not deny that the variety might influence the countries’ development. Why not, if all populations are able to work together and learn money to get income in other to be half of their income can increase economy level that in a country. For example Tionghoa in Indonesia, eventhough they are an ethnic of Chinas Immigrant who come in Indonesia, this ethnic can increase Indonesia’s economy level through their small bussiness like building a small shop for selling many things. This is just a little thing but can be big things later when worked carefully and sincerity. So, the goverment should not limit the ethnic who will come to live for reaching their standard of living. Our job is only covering them, ethnics and racial diversity, so not to create conflict source.
Reference : -
Journal X
Educational System in The U.S
Looking at the American’s people, when we measure their intelligence to other people from other countries, some of them are smarter than we are. It may be effected by a status that America is super power country in all aspects or may be that is really true that they are really smart. There are many questions appear in our mind, Why are they success in education purpose?, How do they do in education process?, and How are about their education’s system?. Education’system in America is really difference with other country wheter about educational ladder or educational organized. By under to the top level of school-age are difference.
The educational ladder in America starting from age three or four years, it names Pre-school for one or two years, at age five they attend Kinder garden (TK) for one years. They usually go to Elementary School at the age six years then continue to the middle scholl of Junior High School for two years and at the middle school of High school for four years. After that the students go to undergraduate studies which lead to bachelor’s degree or college diploma then taking graduate studies which lead to master’s and doctoral’s degree. But the main difference of American’s education with other countries like Indonesia is the school uniform. When in Indonesia the students have to use the school uniform, in America is free of uniform. The students are free to use the uniform so we can see clearly the social class of them.
So is the educational organized in America. There are two kinds of educational organized that applies in America are Private school and Public school. Among them are having their own curriculum. For example, religious school that is organized by certain church with the difference purpose achievement to more teach students about religiousness. And or elite private school of the higher payment that denying the equality of freedom because this school just take reacher students. It will not be got in public school. So is the curriculum of public school.
The K-W-L chart on page 190 based on my experience after learning this chapter as follows :
What we Know about education in the United Stated What we Want to know about education in the United Stated What we have Learned about education in the United Stated
Having good educational system and well managing. The educational system and the educational organized. The educational system from under to the top
Having sophisticated medium and infrastructure. The way in reaching succeed. the educational organized of Public and Private school.
Having material that agree with globalization. The difference of U.S’s education with other country. The university condition which having difference to other.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal XI
1. American Leisure Time
American is a type of hard-worker people. If a partial people in other country agree that only man has job for looking for money and woman just stay at home for caring child and serving husband, not for American people wheter man or woman. They have same opportunity to work, there is no limiting for them to take career. So, among them have same level at household. Gender is really applied in the United Stated.
Because of their entire day and all day fill of activity, it is often for them to take togetherness with their family. But, when the time is taken, they usually use their togetherness for holiday. They are not hesitant to go out eventhough spending much money. As like as working for paying their leisure time by doing some activity like doing sport, recreation, fitness and watching.
Sport is an activity that a partial of people always do. Nowadays, the prestigious sport is soccer. As we know that soccer is not an easy game, need management and well organized, so not all people like this sport. In America, soccer not only for man but also for woman. There are many soccer competition that held for women so women have same chance with man in order to deliver their talent in playing soccer. Unlike sport organized, some of people in America also like recreational sport like jogging, tenis and sking. Other kinds are having adventure and danger place like white-water rafting, mountain climbing, rock climbing, skydiving, helicopter skiing, bungee jumping and so on.
Other activities to spend their leisure time is doing fitness for people who have overweight body. It proves that not all american people are phisically fit. It is effected by the activities variety they have, they don’t have much time to serve and caring their child like cooking food for them. So, it’s effective to eat junkfood, only call, wait and eat. It don’t take much time to cure the starving. This is the main reason for them to do fitness. There also alternative way to spend the leisure time is watching TV. Among them, this way is really simple to do. We can do it at room, at home nor at movie. All ages can enjoy this activity and we can know all the events in the world just by watching.
2. The Impact of TV and Internet
TV and Internet have been becoming an electronic tool that connect people to the world. It is a media to deliver information and we can understate the world through them. As a sophisticated tool, of course their usage in our daily life has impacts that people should know to enjoy their advantages and to avoid their disadvantages. Here some points about the impacts of them.
The advantages of them are :
- Becoming information source for educational, cultural and other aspect.
- Adding an insight at country’s outside and inside.
- They can be a friend to spend our leisure time, etc.
Then, their disadvantages are :
- The user will be addicted to the spectacle which is not important for their life.
- Eye-contact as often as possible will break our eyes-health.
- The children will imitate what have they watched that make them curious, and so on.
Reference : - American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal XII
The Six Traditional Basic Values of America
America has six traditional basic values that applied for the American interest. They are as key for raising the American’s standard of living. They are individual freedom, self-reliance, equality of opportunity, competition, material wealth and hard work.
Individual freedom is the important thing of people to have because by this value, they have their right to face their life and not be limited by rule and law. Wheter America or Indonesia, this value is better to apply to give population’s right for working and creating. So All people will have same chance or opportunity to do everything as long as not bothering other people. Freedom means that serving the people of free of speech, free of press and free of choosing religion. This effects of a lot of immigrants will come to our country wheter for working, for visiting or for living by hoping to change their standard of living.
By the individual freedom, it will bring the people to have self reliance for solving their own problem. In America, all children there are educated to be own master and fulfill their needed since teenager so they get their freedom to do everything that they want. Eventhough still helping by parents’ role to educate them at least the freedom will give a little brave to face their life since child. This is should use of the parents in Indonesia to give their child stock for facing their future.
An impact of immigrant coming to the US that they believe America has in chance to get success for all populations. They believe it by seeing the all American who have been success before so it impacts to them to get the same chance by coming to the US for compete each other. While in Indonesia is less of equality of freedom, nepotism still has big rule to get chance for working, our intelects people don’t have their right to take carrier. Competition doesn’t have rule to help people to get carrier in Indonesia but only need a big connections for getting our idea. If Indonesia give same chance to all people for competting each other, it will more respect the people cultivation and surely will decrease the poverty.
The minimum of respecting people cultivation effects to the material wealth management. Whereas, Indonesia has many natural source where when we manage well, it will help other people to raise their standard of living by opening job vacancy. It is only export to outside then buying again for countries and people needed. The minimum of hard work is a caused. So, the goverment’s job is fixing and increasing the people cultivation for the future. We need to learn in America in serving their population when we want to get on the next country’s level.
Reference : - American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
- Writer mindset
People In Queue And In Elevator
• How the people both in the US and Indonesia in queuing or standing in an elevator?
Both in US and Indonesia, there are many crowded places that is always people to come, such us in tourism spot, at an historic spot, at the Bank or ATM, at the Cinema, at the airport, at the market or mall or shop or store, at a ticket desk, at a city bus, at a taxi stand and etc. But the queue in both of them are really different. They have the opposite stiley to make a line. Let me compare them.
In US Queue is always seen in many places. Queue is habitual action that the American always do wherever and whenever. They have a good habit to make queuing. They are always dicipline to stand in a line as a wise word say “First come first served”. They keep a bubble space to avoid touching one another. They try to not broke this habit to keep other’s pleasures, so we don’t need to be afraid to get crowded if in US’s line.
At any bus stop in any town, the American will be perfect queuing system in action. The very best thing is that there doesn’t have to be a line in order to stick to the rules of the game. They loiter when arriving at a bus stop. They don’t make eye contact with one another. It seems like paralyzed by the fear that might intrude into someone else’s space. They just stand and waiting until the bus arrives, keep their spaces and their arrival time is taken. Keep their hands in pockets, fingers tapping phone keys and eyes always down. The only movement they make is to shit from one foot to the other.
At an elevator, the American also keep their discipline to wait the out time. They always face in the door to wait the turn out and also to anticipate the person who will come to keep avoiding to touch each other and also speak silently. Eventhough elevator is a small room but they are not annoying each other ecxept the people who besides them are their close friend. When the other person come, the people who is in the elevator move to the corner and not to make eye-contact. So we can say that, the american always try to not barge in the other personal because they do respeck other. Therefore, the people who stay in US having their freedom fully, it might be the reason of immigrants to come in US.
Indonesian now are the nation who really dislike queuing in fact we can say “Contra-Queue”. All of people want to be served without serving other eventhough they are wrong. If we analyze, why the queue culture can’t be put into a habit because of the rubber-clock (Jam Karet). They are in a hurry but not discipline in time so need not to care other.
In Indonesia, we often see the queuing in the market especially for the mothers and at the cinema or at the ticket desk especially for the youngers. But the queue stiley in Indonesia is opposite then US. Actually there are a part of them to keep be discipline in queuing but most of them are not care about it moreover if in a hurry, they just think to be hurry without think the people who is next annoyed therefore, we sometimes find a group of people are fighting only about queuing. Queuing at an elevator also has the same case with other place. If american avoid to speak aloud, Indonesian don’t care to be noisy whereever and whenever they are, moreever if they are with their close friend. Here we are not as the word “first come first served” but “who fast who find”. They race to be the first ecxept if in a big guard. That’s the Indonesian making a line.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal II
Immigrants in USA and in Indonesia
• What is the reason of immigrants to come in USA?
The US is known in the world by name “The land of opportunity”. It can attract immigrants from all over in the world. Americans never limit immigrants who come there to know their country wheter about values, religions, heritages and etc. All of people in US have their chance to live pleasure without bothering their own individual freedom. They have opportunity to be equal with native American and to get material and wealth.
In the past time, mostly immigrants came to America because of economical or war even religious rights. They came from many countries to escape famine, such as the Irish, religious and political persecution and wars in their home countries. They also believe that there were more jobs in demand for unskilled workers which difficult to get in other country. They just wanted a chance for a better life and the “American dream”.
One reason of immigrants come to US is having their individual freedom. They want to escape the controls placed on many aspect of their lives to be free place. If other is controlled by the power of king, US is not. Not all aspect in US are arranged by the constitution, likes living with their unmarried lover, married with same gender and other. They can explore their expression to the world and solve their own problem without interfention of the others. This they called “Self-Reliance”. Reliance for getting succeed.
Second reason is having equality of opportunity and competition. The immigrants believe that the opportunity which they search will find in US because they think every one has a chance to succeed here. As we talk before about the individual freedom, they have felt that individual are free from excessive political, religius and social control. Eventhough, every one shall not be equal actually, but here they mean that every one shall have an equal chance for succeed. For this reason, they come by this expextation.
Third is material wealth and hard work. The imigrants come to the US to have their better life. They believe that they can raise their standard of living in US because in people’s eyes see it as a land of plenty where millions can come to seek their fortunes. This reliance is too cling to their mind, even they have to pay the price of succeed by hard work and also they are not be able to achieve the material succeed they want but they believe that next their children will have an opportunity for the better life.
From getting the chance to individual freedom, they can have equality of opportunity and also by the opportunity will give them material and wealth because all of people who stay in US have many chances to commune and to stand on their own feet without annoying from other.
• What about in Indonesia?
As we know that Indonesia's climate may be described as tropical, though land temperatures and rainfall vary considerably according to altitude and relative exposure to winds sweeping in from the ocean. On the whole, temperatures vary little at any one place, and rainfall is generally heavy.
The immigrant believe Indonesia is like pleasure country, most of immigrants who come to Indonesia are succeed. International Or¬ganizational of Migration (IOM) noted in Tribun News that Indonesia became a favorite place to escape for immigrants. Till August 1st 2012, registered 1.203 immigrants from other countries is homed in Rumah Detensi Imigrasi (Rudenim) that spread out in all corner of Indonesia. Most of them from Pakistanand Afghanistan. A little from Myanmar, Iran and Srilanka. Generally, they come in to avoid politic pressure and economy.
In other source talked most immigrants come to Indonesian because of climate. It is different with USA which has four seasons, like spring, summer, fall and winter, Indonesian only has two of them, they are dry and rainy seasons. These is reputed as a chance from other country to build bussiness with Indonesian. They have their own assumption to spread their network for bussiness.
Indonesian is not as thorough as American, they still could not managing the natural source. It is prooved by many materials that should be produced but instead delivering to other countries to be produced. This is invite others entwining bussiness signal in Indonesia. It might be the one reason why they come to Indonesia.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
- Tribun News, Indonesia Kebanjiran Pengungsi Asing. Jakarta: August 14th 2012
Journal III
Religious Preference In Usa
• How is the religious preference in US?
American and most immigrants believe individual freedom and the right of individual was got by religious pluralism. They think their own religious did not limit them to free live. 80 percents of America’s population had been christiants, 24 percents were chatolic, remaining were muslim,jewish, hindu, budha and others. These have an important role in the history of USA.
The christiantism had been broke becoming protestantism in the sixtenth century because of an important difference in religious belief. This religions was not differentiate between the people who was right or wrong, if they seek the forgiveness directly by taking a friest speaking of God’s name, they still like the others. It means that the protestants have right to make good relationship with God. It might probably the american choose this as a religious preference.
• The Spiritual Kaleidoscope in the US.
Wade Clark Roof, a professor of religion and society points that there are four trends that are creating a spiritual kaleidoscope in the United Stated. First is there is a change from being a “Protestant to be Chatolic and Chatolic to be Jewis nation” to one with multiple religions. The religious growing condition in America is increasing or decreasing. The number of Protestant is noted more than 50 percents. Because of a trend, it might be decrease in the next decade. But besides the number of Chatolic is increasing in a time running, it has been having the large numbers of Latin American Chatolic immigrants who now get on about half the total Chatolic Community and also Muslim or None religion, even is not same of Chatoli’s growing. On the contrary the Jews’ member has stayed the same number for recent years. Second is creating the expressive individualism religious of faith switching from one denomination to other religious. Third is there are many new religious organizational structure emerging in the United State. And the last trend is toward a new spirituality especially among young American.
• The similiarity of Religious Preference of US and Indonesia.
The religious preference between United State and Indonesia are being related. It is like Math subject, Compilation or Himpunan. Most of religions in US are believing in Indonesia also. The difference is in US, Protestantism is having higher number than others but Indonesia is known by Muslim Religion.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal IV
Frontier Concept in US
• What happen of frontier in US in the past time and what are the advantages for the US?
America concept frontier was more fascinated evidently about geography, history, folktore and cultural expression eventhough the American try to replace them more than a century ago. They still fascinate them because it has been particularly important thing in shaping American values. To recall the image of life on the frontier, George W Bush as a president of US at that time always wears the hat and the boots of cowboy. The images who were struggling to look after US in a settle.
This image also had become a popular movie to express America’s history, it was meant to documented the American life in the past time. This movie showed more about the life of indian who was settling to hold their culture destroyed and also to assist the Native American who killed and their lands taken. It showed that American struggle to hold their country was not an easy way in other that the American now have to respect for it. That’s all create America’s strength space and condition, likes individual freedom, self reliance and equality of opportunity that we have talked in journal one.
Individualism, self reliance and equality of opportunity hadbeen becoming a values most closely assosiated with the frontier heritage of America. Thorough the history, American had carry out the image to view the frontier settler as the model of the free individual because of less control over the individual on the frontier than anywhere else in the United State. It was create few laws and few establisheds socials or political institutions to hold people living in the frontier.
• What concept would be similiar to Indonesian concept?
Indonesia frontier concept excatly almost same with America. When the US’s frontier was the image of cowboy who looked after America from a settle, Indonesia’s frontier was the heroes who had striked for Indonesia independence. As we know that Indonesia had become a shadowland formore than three hundred years, Indonesia’s military was struggling for it.
This frontier was not far from the History, the geography and the culture of indonesia. These appear evidently when Soekarno become a first president. He become an importan person who had read the liberty proclamation. The time showed that Indonesia was a country that should to protect.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal V
American Product
• Some American Product are found in Indonesia.
For many years, many technology are used in Indonesia. Beginning from the small things to the big things. History noted that in 1920s had been invented a radio in United State. This radio used for the first time as an advertisement. This is used for advertising other America’s products. The history not only noted about radio but also in 1950s had spread a television programming.
Television is one of the most important miracles of science. It has brought about a revolution in the field of entertainment, education and communication. Indeed mankind should be grateful to its inventor who has brought the cinema and stage into the houses of the masses. One can now watch moving, talking and living pictures on the screen while sitting in one's home.
In a running time, American began to produce other things, likes shampo, soap, deodorants. These product was known fast because of an advertising of Television and radio. By this product, America’s economy could be increase because this is used to introduce the other product to other country. It is amazed for other country.
Beside that, America also create a concept of Fast Food restaurant which are found in every city and every small town in United State and are now exported to all over the word. This includes McDonald’s and KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken). It serves a sandwich, salad, fried chicken, seafood, etc. To customer in fiveminutes or less often in a drive-up window. Next, appear the important things are cell-phone, internet and etc.
• What are their advantages and disanvatages for Indonesia?
There are several issues raised by the technological revolution wheter about advantages and disanvantages. The foremost advantages of technology has always been speedy communication and it has excelled way beyond the expectations. Newer innovations are only going to make it faster and more reliable. Now, you can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. For more personal and interactive communication, you can avail the facilities of chat services, video conferencing and so on. Besides, there are plenty of messenger services in offering. With the help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts and explore other cultures.
On other hand there are some disanvatages, like the merging of technology providers and the effect of all these technology on children. Some worry of parents is seeing their children spending much time to watch television, using the computer and playing a video games. Other effect is what the quality of children are watching television and what they are seeing on the internet. The parents face a constant dilemma, how to balance the right to free speech with the need to protect childreen and maintain standard of decency.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal VI
The American Tastes
An advertisement that showed some products is taken by All About Magazine Beer created by Carl H. Miller. In this adv showed many people such the waitress who holds on the beer and the customers who enjoy the drink. It’s not same with Indonesian people what afraid of showing their drink-time because of prohibition, American is more brave to enjoy this, they have freedom to do anything as long as not bothering other.
Beer has delicious taste according the lovers. It may those always sold out. For American, it is the good way to drink when having trouble because beer is able to miss the booring, pressure or the depression, they usually sold at cocktail lounge or hotel restoran to give comfortable feeling for drinker. It also has low calorie so when drink occasionally, it can be a medicine for a certain ill.
Beer drinker usually come from reacher one, functionary, bussinessman or it may be teenager. Most of them having good reason to drink them but there are also drink just for fun. Eventhough these has low calorie but when consume so on, it is not good for health. So, beer is not good solution to drink for missing the depression, the problem or for having fun.
After studying this, I am as student feel that eventhough beer can increase countries-income but beer can breake people’s health so no need to buy and sell them again. There are many ways to solve problem not by drinking them. And also as moeslem are forbidding to consume them.
Reference : -
Journal VII
American’s and Indonesia’s Product
As super power country, America surely has many productions that other countries have not. Those products are producing to sell at everywhere include in Indonesia so not wonder if there are many product that sell in Indonesia but not Indonesia’s product.
There are many sectors of bussiness that investing in Indonesia such gas oil industry, mining industry, electronic industry and so on. Generally, American product has positive agreement in Indonesia. Indonesia’s people receive well them as long as having good quality. These products like :
1. Motorcycle
Harley Davidson motorcycle has well-known everywhere. This is has good quality of sound and appearance. In Indonesia, the user of this usually come from youth people.
2. Film and Music
As we know, When we compare both films of American and Indonesia, of course American film has more fans because of their quality in presenting good spectacle. Juss see the Hollywood film, it has high rating than other. Not only about filmbut also music. Indonesian people are prefer pop, rock, hip-hop musics to dangdut, national song and other.
3. Food and clothes
So are foods like McDonald, KFC, Coca Cola, Pizza Hut have become indonesian’s favourite food. Also about clothes, Indonesia’s market has getting best of American’s merk wheter about bag, shoes or other. They are afroud of using other coutries product so the result is they miss the Indonesian’s product that also have good quality.
While go to Indonesia, when talking about American’s product above, Indonesia, is my country, not loose of it. We also have good product that export to other country. These product are about : (1) Mimsy bag, an unique bag at level international created by child-nation, (2) Bin House, a batik house shows Indonesian’s culture that have been using some of American’s people, (3) Polygon, a bike to global that have become unique transportation of Indonesian people right now, and so on. As Indonesian people, we have to froud of using Indonesian’s product. This awareness could develope our culture and our country level in ASEAN.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal VIII
American’s Election
America’s election is generally intresting and difference than other country. It helds each two years at November in even years. They held election two times to select president and to evaluate the presiden’s achievement for two years. American’s election generally same with other country in elect their president. Some ways they do in other to win it. Campaign is alternatif way to promote their self or to deliver their changing-future for America. All of candidats of president have to have good speculation for getting people’s vote.
November 9th 2012 is the democration party of American. This time is time to select the new leader or president for four years later. From many candidats that democrats carried like Obama, Davidswa, Bob, David L and AnnCKeir, finally Obama still have charisma to select from his fans. So, the candidats of president are Obama who comes from Democrat and In-Cumbent racing Rommey who is from Republic’s conservative. Some aspects life of country has become a main priority to reach developing such economy free-market, national defense, healt care quality, education system, energy independence and courts. Because America has important role in the world, this election has getting attention all of people. The winner will be the first one to make change for the world include at Indonesia.
As we know that Obama comes from Indonesia, most of people in Indonesia do not to miss this party. They are enthusiastic still want the winner is in Obama. So, when they watch that Obama still become the winner for this president election, Indonesian people are the first country who feel so happy. Congratulation for Obama for getting president position for two times and for four years later.
Reference : -
Journal IX
Ethnic and Racial Diversity
As we know that America is a country which has higher population because of the goverment have never limited the immigrants to come wheter for working, visiting or for liveng there. They come from ethnics and countries variety for getting life-change and success, so it makes higher enough the America’s population. Not only America but also other country face it, let say Indonesia. Indonesia’s population contains of ethnic and culture diversity, like Jawa, Sunda, Bugis, Madura, Tionghoa and so on.
If this is thought carefully, actually the quality of ethnics or racial diversity in one country can appear dissagreement inter-ethnics because of the difficulty for adapting with the immigrant and the native population. Because when there are racial diversity, there are some cultures. The culture differentiates the one people habitual and other people. So, it will effect some arguings variety in a country.
But, on other hand, we can not deny that the variety might influence the countries’ development. Why not, if all populations are able to work together and learn money to get income in other to be half of their income can increase economy level that in a country. For example Tionghoa in Indonesia, eventhough they are an ethnic of Chinas Immigrant who come in Indonesia, this ethnic can increase Indonesia’s economy level through their small bussiness like building a small shop for selling many things. This is just a little thing but can be big things later when worked carefully and sincerity. So, the goverment should not limit the ethnic who will come to live for reaching their standard of living. Our job is only covering them, ethnics and racial diversity, so not to create conflict source.
Reference : -
Journal X
Educational System in The U.S
Looking at the American’s people, when we measure their intelligence to other people from other countries, some of them are smarter than we are. It may be effected by a status that America is super power country in all aspects or may be that is really true that they are really smart. There are many questions appear in our mind, Why are they success in education purpose?, How do they do in education process?, and How are about their education’s system?. Education’system in America is really difference with other country wheter about educational ladder or educational organized. By under to the top level of school-age are difference.
The educational ladder in America starting from age three or four years, it names Pre-school for one or two years, at age five they attend Kinder garden (TK) for one years. They usually go to Elementary School at the age six years then continue to the middle scholl of Junior High School for two years and at the middle school of High school for four years. After that the students go to undergraduate studies which lead to bachelor’s degree or college diploma then taking graduate studies which lead to master’s and doctoral’s degree. But the main difference of American’s education with other countries like Indonesia is the school uniform. When in Indonesia the students have to use the school uniform, in America is free of uniform. The students are free to use the uniform so we can see clearly the social class of them.
So is the educational organized in America. There are two kinds of educational organized that applies in America are Private school and Public school. Among them are having their own curriculum. For example, religious school that is organized by certain church with the difference purpose achievement to more teach students about religiousness. And or elite private school of the higher payment that denying the equality of freedom because this school just take reacher students. It will not be got in public school. So is the curriculum of public school.
The K-W-L chart on page 190 based on my experience after learning this chapter as follows :
What we Know about education in the United Stated What we Want to know about education in the United Stated What we have Learned about education in the United Stated
Having good educational system and well managing. The educational system and the educational organized. The educational system from under to the top
Having sophisticated medium and infrastructure. The way in reaching succeed. the educational organized of Public and Private school.
Having material that agree with globalization. The difference of U.S’s education with other country. The university condition which having difference to other.
Reference : - Datesman, Maryanne Kearni. American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal XI
1. American Leisure Time
American is a type of hard-worker people. If a partial people in other country agree that only man has job for looking for money and woman just stay at home for caring child and serving husband, not for American people wheter man or woman. They have same opportunity to work, there is no limiting for them to take career. So, among them have same level at household. Gender is really applied in the United Stated.
Because of their entire day and all day fill of activity, it is often for them to take togetherness with their family. But, when the time is taken, they usually use their togetherness for holiday. They are not hesitant to go out eventhough spending much money. As like as working for paying their leisure time by doing some activity like doing sport, recreation, fitness and watching.
Sport is an activity that a partial of people always do. Nowadays, the prestigious sport is soccer. As we know that soccer is not an easy game, need management and well organized, so not all people like this sport. In America, soccer not only for man but also for woman. There are many soccer competition that held for women so women have same chance with man in order to deliver their talent in playing soccer. Unlike sport organized, some of people in America also like recreational sport like jogging, tenis and sking. Other kinds are having adventure and danger place like white-water rafting, mountain climbing, rock climbing, skydiving, helicopter skiing, bungee jumping and so on.
Other activities to spend their leisure time is doing fitness for people who have overweight body. It proves that not all american people are phisically fit. It is effected by the activities variety they have, they don’t have much time to serve and caring their child like cooking food for them. So, it’s effective to eat junkfood, only call, wait and eat. It don’t take much time to cure the starving. This is the main reason for them to do fitness. There also alternative way to spend the leisure time is watching TV. Among them, this way is really simple to do. We can do it at room, at home nor at movie. All ages can enjoy this activity and we can know all the events in the world just by watching.
2. The Impact of TV and Internet
TV and Internet have been becoming an electronic tool that connect people to the world. It is a media to deliver information and we can understate the world through them. As a sophisticated tool, of course their usage in our daily life has impacts that people should know to enjoy their advantages and to avoid their disadvantages. Here some points about the impacts of them.
The advantages of them are :
- Becoming information source for educational, cultural and other aspect.
- Adding an insight at country’s outside and inside.
- They can be a friend to spend our leisure time, etc.
Then, their disadvantages are :
- The user will be addicted to the spectacle which is not important for their life.
- Eye-contact as often as possible will break our eyes-health.
- The children will imitate what have they watched that make them curious, and so on.
Reference : - American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
Journal XII
The Six Traditional Basic Values of America
America has six traditional basic values that applied for the American interest. They are as key for raising the American’s standard of living. They are individual freedom, self-reliance, equality of opportunity, competition, material wealth and hard work.
Individual freedom is the important thing of people to have because by this value, they have their right to face their life and not be limited by rule and law. Wheter America or Indonesia, this value is better to apply to give population’s right for working and creating. So All people will have same chance or opportunity to do everything as long as not bothering other people. Freedom means that serving the people of free of speech, free of press and free of choosing religion. This effects of a lot of immigrants will come to our country wheter for working, for visiting or for living by hoping to change their standard of living.
By the individual freedom, it will bring the people to have self reliance for solving their own problem. In America, all children there are educated to be own master and fulfill their needed since teenager so they get their freedom to do everything that they want. Eventhough still helping by parents’ role to educate them at least the freedom will give a little brave to face their life since child. This is should use of the parents in Indonesia to give their child stock for facing their future.
An impact of immigrant coming to the US that they believe America has in chance to get success for all populations. They believe it by seeing the all American who have been success before so it impacts to them to get the same chance by coming to the US for compete each other. While in Indonesia is less of equality of freedom, nepotism still has big rule to get chance for working, our intelects people don’t have their right to take carrier. Competition doesn’t have rule to help people to get carrier in Indonesia but only need a big connections for getting our idea. If Indonesia give same chance to all people for competting each other, it will more respect the people cultivation and surely will decrease the poverty.
The minimum of respecting people cultivation effects to the material wealth management. Whereas, Indonesia has many natural source where when we manage well, it will help other people to raise their standard of living by opening job vacancy. It is only export to outside then buying again for countries and people needed. The minimum of hard work is a caused. So, the goverment’s job is fixing and increasing the people cultivation for the future. We need to learn in America in serving their population when we want to get on the next country’s level.
Reference : - American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture. Third Edition. United State America:Pearson Education, 2005
- Writer mindset
Makalah Psicolinguistics STAIN WATAMPONE
Makalah ini di ajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas Mata kuliah
Psycholinguistics pada jurusan Tarbiyah
Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI)
Oleh :
Ada banyak perbedaan yang kita temukan di lapangan antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Namun, tidak perlu khawatir jika di dalam suatu hubungan terdapat banyak perbedaan. Dengan menyadari bahwa perbedaan-perbedaan itu yang membuat suatu hubungan akan menjadi lebih hidup, kita dapat belajar untuk memanfaatkan suatu perbedaan yang ada dengan baik. Justru dengan adanya perbedaan, akan membuat suatu hubungan menjadi lebih indah dan bahkan sempurna.
Pria dan wanita memang berbeda karena mereka berasal dari dua planet yang berlainan. Pria dilahirkan dan hidup di Mars sedangkan wanita dari Venus. Perbedaan lingkungan hidup ini juga membuat nilai-nilai yang dianut berbeda pula. Di Mars, yang ditinggali para pria, menghargai kekuasaan, ketrampilan, efisiensi dan prestasi. Segala sesuatu di mars merupakan cerminan nilai-nilai ini, salah satunya contohnya adalah pakaian mereka. Polisi, prajurit, penguasa, pengusaha, ilmuwan, petugas kebersihan, penjaga toko, dan koki memakai seragam untuk menunjukkan keterampilan dan jabatan mereka.
Mencapai sasaran merupakan pembuktian dari kemampuan mereka. Dan pria di mars merasakan kepuasan yang luar biasa jika berhasil mengerjakan sesuatu atau menyelesaikan masalah dengan kemampuan mereka. Sebaliknya, pria mars ini akan merasa tersinggung bahkan sangat marah jika ada orang yang membantunya. Bantuan ini merupakan penghinaan tak tertulis yang mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak bisa bekerja, atau mereka sedang dalam keadaan “rusak”.
Di Venus, para penduduknya menghargai cinta, komunikasi, dan hubungan. Wanita – wanita di planet ini menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk memberikan dukungan, menolong, dan saling melayani. Arti hidup mereka ditentukan melalui perasaan dan mutu hubungan mereka. Wanita di Venus mengalami kepuasan yang luar biasa dengan berbagi dan berbicara dari hati.
Penduduk Venus mengenakan pakaian sesuai dengan suasana hati mereka. Jika sedang senang, mereka memililh pakaian yang cerah, jika sedang sedih, mereka menggunakan baju berwarna gelap.
Sejak dilahirkan anak-anak perempuan venus belajar mengembangkan intuisnya. Ilmu ini telah diajarkan selama berabad-abad untuk mengantisipasi kebutuhan – kebutuhan orang lain. Mereka membanggakan diri karena memperhatikan kebutuhan dan perasaan-perasaan orang lain. Kebahagiaan terbesar bagi seorang wanita venus jika dia berhasil menawarkan bantuan dan pertolongan kepada penduduk venus lainnya tanpa diminta. Naluri mereka ialah ingin memperbaiki segala sesuatu. Apabila mereka menaruh perhatian kepada seseorang, dengan leluasa mereka menunjukkan bagaimana melakukannya. Menawarkan nasihat dan kritik secara membangun merupakan tindakan cinta. Namun tindakan yang biasa di venus ini akan berakibat fatal jika dilakukan di mars. Dan inilah sumber penyebab pertengkaran pria dan wanita
Menanggapi teori tentang perbedaan pria dan wanita di atas, maka penulis lebih tertarik untuk menguraikan lebih jelas perbedaan pria dan wanita dalam bentuk makalah yang berjudul “Analisis Perbedaan Pria dan Wanita dalam Berinteraksi dengan Lawan Jenisnya”.
Adapun masalah yang akan dibahas lanjut adalah :
• Bagaimana Perbedaan Kinerja Hormon Pria dan Wanita?
• Bagaimana Otak kiri serta Otak kanan Pria dan Wanita?
• Bagaimana jenis perbedaan yang dimiliki oleh Pria dan wanita?
Tujuan dari penulisan makalah ini adalah :
• Untuk mengetahui Perbedaan Kinerja Hormon Pria dan Wanita.
• Untuk mengetahui Otak kiri serta Otak kanan Pria dan Wanita.
• Untuk Mengetahui jenis perbedaan yang dimiliki oleh Pria dan wanita.
A. Perbedaan Kinerja Hormon Pria dan Wanita
Bertahun-tahun lalu, nenek moyang kita telah melakukan pembatasan kemampuan antara sebagai pria dan wanita. Sejak dulu, para pria terbiasa melakukan yang sifatnya fokus serta transendence atau berorientasi pada dunia di luar dirinya. Sedang, wanita cenderung berorientasi ke dalam dirinya sendiri. Misalnya, ketika seorang pria bermain bola, mereka lebih mementingkan agar kehebatannya dilihat orang lain. Sedang, wanita saat bercermin, cenderung memberi penilaian terhadap dirinya.
Lantas, apakah otak serta hormon juga mempengaruhi perbedaan antara keduanya? Selama ini, orang berpikir bahwa pria lebih logis karena otak kirinya lebih berperan, sedang perempuan lebih intuitif karena otak kanannya yang lebih berperan. "Pada dasarnya tidak ada hubungan antara hormon dengan perbedaan pola pikir antara pria dan wanita. Yang ada justru pola asuh, pola didik, serta lingkungan yang membentuknya," jelas Dr. Suryo Dharmono, pengajar dari Departemen Psikiatri RSCM, Jakarta.
Pada dasarnya, tentu secara fisik perbedaan antara wanita dan pria bisa Anda lihat. Namun, jika lebih dalam, hormon serta otak antara wanita dan pria pun banyak berbeda. Hormon sangat berperan pada tubuh wanita adalah estrogen dan progesteron. Kedua hormon ini yang membuat payudara membesar dan suara menjadi lebih tinggi. Sedangkan pada pria, hormon yang paling mendominasi adalah hormon testosteron, ini menyebabkan pria memiliki suara yang besar, tubuh lebih berotot. Hormon yang dimiliki wanita juga dimiliki oleh pria, begitu pun sebaliknya. Namun rasio hormon dalam tubuh pria dan wanita sangat berbeda. Perbedaan rasio inilah yang membuat fisik pria dan wanita mutlak berbeda.
Secara biologis, siklus perubahan hormonal pada wanita juga diikuti perubahan psikologis pada wanita. Maka, kemudian ada istilah PMS yang ditandai dengan ketidakstabilan emosi. Wanita pun dianggap main 'perasaan'. Meski wanita didominasi estrogen dan progesteron, namun ia tetap memiliki hormon testosteron. Hanya saja porsinya yang tidak sama antara kita berdua. Misalnya, area pada tubuh wanita yang lebih besar terjadi penumpukan lemak adalah pada bokong, paha dan pinggul akibat hormon estrogen yang mendominasi. Sedangkan, pria cenderung mengalami kelebihan pada metabolisme lemak akibat testosteron yang justru membuat pria cenderung berlemak di area perut dan pinggang.
B. Otak kiri Vs Otak kanan (Pria dan Wanita)
Dr.Roger Sperry dari California Institute of Technology mengatakan bahwa otak kiri pria lebih dominan dibanding otak kanannya. Sementara pada wanita justru sebaliknya. Konsepnya kini telah dipakai di sejumlah bidang seperti pendidikan hingga praktik medis. Kita tidak mungkin hidup hanya dengan salah satu sisi bagian otak , yaitu kemampuan intuitive dan art . Keduanya memiliki fungsi yang sama pentingnya. Jika dipisahkan, maka hasilnya tidak akan sempurna.
Berangkat dari konsep penemuan Dr. Roger Sperry, dapat disimpulkan sendiri bahwa sebenarnya kemampuan seorang pria dan wanita tidak dapat diasumsikan dari dominasi sisi otaknya saja. Baik pria maupun wanita tidak mungkin hidup dengan salah satu bagian otaknya saja.
Sebenarnya perbedaan otak pria dan wanita juga berkembang dari nenek moyang. Pria cenderung memiliki kemampuan lebih baik membaca peta, menentukan jarak serta menentukan sasaran dibanding wanita, salah satu penyebabnya lantaran sejak perkembangan zaman dulu, pria memiliki 'tugas sosial' untuk berburu dan membidik. Itu sebabnya, penglihatan serta pikiran pria jauh lebih fokus dalam 1 hal ketimbang wanita. Kemampuan wanita bermulti-tasking juga dipengaruhi 'kewajiban sosial'. Tugas wanita pada zaman purba adalah mengurus rumah, memasak, mengandung dan merawat anak.
Sebenarnya perbedaan pria dan wanita itu tercipta karena pengaruh sosial. Pengaruh sosial amat memberikan kontribusi terhadap perubahan biologis manusia. Misalnya, pria yang terbiasa dari kecil memiliki sifat pemimpin maka akan terbiasa tumbuh menjadi pemimpin. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan wanita memiliki pola asuh seperti itu maka akan memiliki sifat serta tingkah laku seperti seorang pria," kata Dr. Suryo lagi.
Namun 'bapak' sosiologi dari Harvard University, AS, Edward O. Wilson menyatakan bahwa wanita memang cenderung memiliki empati, kemampuan sosial serta kemampuan verbal yang lebih tinggi dan lebih baik dibanding pria yang cenderung lebih mandiri, dominan, berkembang di kemampuan sosial.
Maka, jangan heran jika wanita lebih 'bawel' ketimbang pria. Ini berhubungan kemampuan verbal. Wanita juga dikatakan lebih 'ribet' ketimbang pria pada soal detail dan ketelitian saat belanja. Ada alasan kuat pula, keberadaan parkir khusus wanita di mal. Kemampuan spatial-navigational wanita dinilai lebih buruk ketimbang pria. Harus diakui, untuk soal menyetir kendaraan bermotor, secara umum pria memang lebih baik daripada wanita.
C. Perbedaan Emosional Pria dan Wanita
• Perbedaan Emosional Pria dan Wanita
Wanita memiliki kecenderungan lebih personal daripada pria. Wanita memiliki hasrat dan perasaan yang kuat terhadap orang, sehingga lebih menikmati dalam membangun hubungan. Pria lebih berorientasi kepada pikiran praktis, kesimpulan yang logis, dan penaklukan. Mereka tidak terlalu suka atau kurang berminat membangun hubungan yang akrab, dan mereka juga kurang memiliki pengetahuan dalam membangun hubungan yang sehat dan berhasil. Sementara itu, para wanita tidak suka dengan "ring tinju" karena hubungan-hubungan dekat, mesra, intim, dan penuh kasih tidak dihasilkan di ring tinju. Itulah sebabnya, para pria muda harus sadar bahwa kekuatan wanita adalah membangun hubungan, baginya membangun hubungan adalah hal alamiah.
Dr. Cecil Osborne dalam bukunya "The Art of Understanding Your Mate" mengatakan, wanita menjadi bagian yang akrab dari orang-orang yang mereka kenal dan hal-hal yang ada di sekeliling mereka. Mereka masuk dalam satu "kesatuan" dengan lingkungan, Misalnya jika sering kali pindah rumah merupakan ketakutan-ketakutan dari seorang wanita, apalagi jika pindahnya mendadak.
Perubahan bagi wanita begitu menakutkan, sehingga membutuhkan waktu begitu lama untuk menyesuaikan diri. Sedangkan pria begitu mudah untuk menyesuaikan diri, bahkan sering kali dalam hitungan menit setelah mendapatkan pengertian yang menguntungkan dari perubahan tersebut.
Wanita menemukan identitas mereka dalam hubungan akrab, sedangkan pria mendapatkan identitasnya dari pekerjaan. Wanita mengekspresikan permusuhan dengan kata-kata, sedangkan pria dengan kepalan tangan.
• Perbedaan Fisik Pria dan Wanita
Dr. Paul Popenoe, pendiri American Institute of Family Relations di Los Angeles, menemukan beberapa perbedaan biologis antara pria dan wanita. Berikut ini penuturannya :
1. Wanita mempunyai keadaan vitalitas jasmani yang lebih bugar, mungkin karena susunan kromosomnya yang unik. Di USA, wanita hidup lebih lama 4 sampai 8 tahun dibandingkan pria.
2. Pria dan wanita memiliki perbedaan dalam struktur kerangka, wanita memiliki kepala lebih pendek, wajah lebih lebar, dagu yang kurang menonjol, kaki lebih pendek, dan badan yang lebih panjang.
3. Wanita memiliki ginjal, hati, dan perut yang lebih besar daripada pria, tapi paru-parunya lebih kecil.
4. Wanita memiliki fungsi yang unik dan penting -- haid, mengandung, melahirkan, menyusui.
5. Hormon wanita berbeda-beda jenisnya dan lebih banyak daripada hormon pria.
6. Kelenjar gondok wanita lebih besar dan lebih aktif, khusus masa haid dan masa mengandung akan membesar, sehingga mereka lebih rentan terhadap penyakit gondok; namun memberi daya tahan terhadap dingin.
7. Berhubungan dengan kulitnya yang halus, tubuh wanita hampir tidak memiliki rambut.
8. Darah wanita lebih banyak mengandung air dan sel darah merahnya 20 persen lebih sedikit. Karena sel darah merah memasok oksigen kepada tubuh, maka wanita lebih mudah letih dan jatuh pingsan.
9. Pria rata-rata memiliki 50 persen lebih banyak tenaga kasar daripada wanita.
10. Detak jantung wanita lebih cepat (rata-rata 80 per menit), pria 72 per menit). Tekanan darah wanita (10 angka lebih rendah daripada pria) berbeda dari menit ke menit, tetapi kecenderungan untuk darah tinggi lebih sedikit, paling tidak sampai sesudah menopouse.
11. Kapasitas vital wanita atau kekuatan napasnya jelas lebih rendah daripada pria.
12. Wanita lebih tahan terhadap suhu panas daripada pria, karena metabolismenya menurun lebih lamban dan lebih rendah.
• Perbedaan Intuitif Pria dan Wanita
Menurut tim penelitian Stanford University yang dipimpin oleh dua pakar neuropsikolog, yaitu McGuiness dan Triban, wanita menangkap pesan-pesan di bawah alam sadar secara lebih cepat dan akurat. Karena intuisi ini berdasar pada suatu proses mental di luar kesadaran, banyak wanita tidak sanggup menerangkan secara spesifik tentang perasaan mereka.
• Perbedaan Seksual Pria dan Wanita
Dorongan seksual wanita cenderung berhubungan dengan siklus haid, sedangkan dorongan pria cukup konstan. Hormon testoteronlah yang merupakan faktor utama dalam menstimulasi dorongan seksual, wanita lebih banyak distimulasi oleh sentuhan dan kata-kata romantis. Ia lebih tertarik dengan kepribadian seorang pria. Sementara para pria tertarik dari apa yang dilihatnya. Pria tidak membeda-bedakan kepada siapa ia tertarik secara fisik dan tidak membutuhkan banyak waktu pemanasan untuk melakukan hubungan seks. Tetapi, wanita sering kali membutuhkan waktu berjam-jam persiapan emosional dan mental.
A. Kesimpulan
Kemampuan seorang pria dan wanita tidak dapat diasumsikan dari dominasi sisi otaknya saja. Baik pria maupun wanita tidak mungkin hidup dengan salah satu bagian otaknya saja.
B. Saran.
Diharapkan dengan adanya makalah ini, kami dan semua pembaca dapat memahami perbedaan karakteristik pria dan wanita, dan lebih memahami pribadi dan kinerja otaknya. Sehingga ilmu yang sudah didapatkan dapat diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
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